Light green glass mineral water bottle for the water called ‘AEsculap, from a spring in Budapest. Part of the label, bearing the name, remains. T.D. Luke and N.H. Forbes, in their manual ‘Natural Therapy’ (Bristol, 1913), p. 284 list this brand under ‘Saline Purgative Waters’, along with ‘Hunyadi Janos’. The spring, in the Kelenfold, Budapest, was discovered by a peasant in 1868 and subsequently purchased by a company who kept it free of contaminants. ‘The bottling’, they comment, ‘is carried out under English supervisors’. On the base, the use of the English word ‘spring’ signifies that the contents are for export. The temperature of the water varied from 6 to 14 degrees C. AEsculap salts contained 90% of purgatives. The active ingredients were magnesium sulphate 173 parts, sodium sulphate 139 parts, and calcium sulphate 21 parts in 10,000. This was an aperient water recommended for constipation. The dose was half a tumblerful before breakfast. The bottles appear to have been made at the same glassworks as Hunyadi Janos bottles, which are similar shape and are similarly embossed on the base by use of a cup mould.