Owbridge’s Lung Tonic

  • Left: medium-size Owbridge’s bottle, c. 1910, Marshbrook.
  • Right: small Owbridge’s bottle, discarded 1915-20, Tilbury. The firm was based in Hull and sold its products all over the country. The smaller bottle was discarded in London and then dumped in Essex. The larger bottle was used and discarded in Shropshire.


Posted on

January 4, 2015


  1. Bingi

    I think your mission is aanzimg! Tell me, BT, are there some easy ways we can actually reduce the amount of garbage we generate? Why not post a top ten list of things that every person could do to dramatically reduce the amount of waste, garbage, packaging, etc., they send to landfills. My suggestion would be to create this top ten list so that people could put it on their refrigerator. Maybe do some research on this, and I think you will be able to come up with at least 10 great (and hopefully easy and memorable) steps that each of us could take in our daily lives. For example, in one year, how big is the pile of paper or plastic bags that every non-thinking shopper sends to the landfill, when with a little planning very few of these bags would ever even be needed if we reused the ones we have. Matt Hooper

    • Andy

      I save ally cans and tin cans and crush, when I have a car load I take to metal dealer and get paid, not much but better than it going to land fill, also empty teabags into compost bin.
      save any metal, strip out copper wire, worth quite a bit.

  2. Bob of Bonsall

    Just dug up one of the smaller versions in my garden this morning.
    As I already have far too much clutter in the house, I think it’ll be going onto Ebay.


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