Staffordshire Dog

Staffordshire Dog

Pearlware Staffordshire dog’s head, holding a basket of flowers in its mouth, c. 1840. Discarded before 1883.
Pug Ornament

Pug Ornament

Small white ceramic pug ornament, with possible traces of brown/ red colouring. The pug is wearing a collar with three bells. The feet and base of the ornament are missing. Found amid London rubbish dumped on the Essex marshes.
Spaniel Statuette

Spaniel Statuette

Damaged statuette of a spaniel, with rudimentary colouring applied. From ash and domestic refuse, 1890s.
Pug’s Head

Pug’s Head

Pugs were popular in the Victorian era. Small white ceramic pug statuettes were common and often came in pairs. The body would have been standing on four legs, with the head turned to face you.