Breidenbach’s cherry paste

Breidenbach’s cherry paste

Pot lid for Breidenbach’s cherry paste (toothpaste), for the teeth and gums. Breidenbach & Co describe themselves as Perfumers and Distillers of Wood Violet to Her Majesty the Queen. Their address is given as Bond St, London. The pot lid was excavated in two...
Tooth Powder pot lid

Tooth Powder pot lid

Rectangular pot lid with under-glaze transfer-printing in black: ‘Tooth Powder/ Henry Francis Partridge/ L.D.S. R.C.S. F.S.S./ Surgeon Dentist/ South Kensington’. Henry Francis Partridge is listed from at least 1879. In 1888 he was involved in a court case...
Borax pot lid

Borax pot lid

Heavy ceramic pot lid for ‘Borax’ (London and Birmingham), with blue printed advertising design on both sides. Top side is shown.
Lids for Burgess’s Genuine Anchovy Paste

Lids for Burgess’s Genuine Anchovy Paste

Victorian lids for Burgess’s Anchovy Paste (note the Victorian crown). A large number of twentieth-century lids for this product were also found, but all had broken up on account of freeze-thaw action, signifying a poorer quality of pottery. This is likely to...
Russian Bear’s Grease Pot Lid

Russian Bear’s Grease Pot Lid

Transfer-printed pot lid, showing a single angry bear: ‘Genuine Russian Bear’s Grease – For Beautifying and Nourishing the Hair’ Exact provenance uncertain – north of England, 1880s site
Russian Bear’s Grease Pot Lid

Russian Bear’s Grease Pot Lid

Pot lid with printed design of bears against a mountainous backdrop: ‘Genuine Russian Bears’ Grease – for Increasing the Growth of Hair’. From an 1880s tip in Yorkshire.
Caviar Pot Lid

Caviar Pot Lid

Transfer-printed pot lid for Fortnum & Mason’s caviar, from an early 1920s dump in Bradford.
Bear’s Grease Pot Lid

Bear’s Grease Pot Lid

Large (4 shillings) size pot lid for James Atkinson’s Bear’s Grease – a pomade for the hair. Dug from a dump of c. 1885 in Rugby, Warwickshire. Genuine bear’s grease was imported from Russia.
Dandruff Pomade Pot Lid

Dandruff Pomade Pot Lid

Pot Lid for Woods ‘Dandruff Pomade, to be rubbed into roots of hair’. Price 1 shilling. Transfer-printed black and white design with text in multiple fonts. Found in an ash dump of the 1870s in Leicestershire.
Potted Ham & Chicken Pot Lid

Potted Ham & Chicken Pot Lid

Pot lid, printed with the words ‘Potted Ham & [Chicken], An Excellent R[elish for] Breakfast, Lun[cheon] etc’. Found amid ash and domestic waste of the 1890s.
Local Cold Cream Pot Lid

Local Cold Cream Pot Lid

Printed pot lid for Sydney Count’s Otto of Rose Cold Cream (‘Chemist, Lynn’). Count took over William Wigg’s HIgh Street chemist shop in Lynn c. 1880 and commissioned his own lids for this product, although he is not known to have purchased...
Cold Cream Pot Lid

Cold Cream Pot Lid

Pot lid for cold cream with a generic Gothic design. These lids were cheaper for the vendor to order than lids with a name, address and brand printed on them.
Cold Cream Pot Lid

Cold Cream Pot Lid

Fragment of a pot lid for cold cream with a generic design. It was cheaper for vendors to order generic lids of this type than to pay to have their own names and brands printed on the pot lid.
Jar for Powders

Jar for Powders

Glass jar with ceramic ‘button’ lid, for dental powder or similar. Found amid domestic waste. 1890s.
Gorgona Anchovy Paste Pot Lid

Gorgona Anchovy Paste Pot Lid

Black and white pot lid, printed with the words ‘Real Gorgona Anchovy Paste, so highly approved of for toast, sandwiches, etc’. It bears a coat of arms very similar to that borne by Burgess’s anchovy paste lids but is otherwise generic in that it has...