by Tom Licence | Mar 17, 2016
Ornament of a boy dressed as a clown. The base is broken off. Found amid ash and domestic refuse of the 1890s.
by Tom Licence | Mar 17, 2016
Mouded ewer (washstand jug) for a dolls’ house, with rib and dot design. Undamaged. Found amid domestic ash and refuse of the 1890s.
by Tom Licence | Mar 10, 2016
Head of doll or statuette, lightly coloured.
by Tom Licence | Mar 10, 2016
Broken statuette or ornament involving a woman or girl leaning over/ into an object, perhaps a large vessel. She wears a pink top, blue sash, white socks, blue shoes and a skirt decorated with flowers in green and red. Her legs are coloured in light flesh tones. The...
by Tom Licence | Mar 6, 2016
Small white ceramic pug ornament, with possible traces of brown/ red colouring. The pug is wearing a collar with three bells. The feet and base of the ornament are missing. Found amid London rubbish dumped on the Essex marshes.
by Tom Licence | Mar 3, 2016
Plain white ceramic religious ornament involving three women/ angels carrying a cross, an anchor and a heart, these figure representing faith, hope and charity respectively. The base is damaged. Found amid ash and domestic refuse of the 1890s.
by Tom Licence | Mar 3, 2016
Damaged statuette of a spaniel, with rudimentary colouring applied. From ash and domestic refuse, 1890s.
by Tom Licence | Feb 27, 2016
Headless miniature statuette of a ballerina, tinted in pink.
by Tom Licence | Feb 26, 2016
Headless ceramic statuette of a boy in a shaggy fleece-like garment surmounting a tunic and waistcoat, with breeches and boots, standing against a brick wall. He is holding a spoon. He may be a character from a nursery rhyme such as Little Jack Horner, Little Tommy...
by Tom Licence | Jan 4, 2015
Marbles, originally painted in bright colours.
by Tom Licence | Jan 4, 2015
Miniature pot, decorated with red bands, and missing lid. With clay pipe bowl to show scale.
by Tom Licence | Dec 22, 2014
Childhood objects from labourers’ rubbish in Kent. Top: nursery rhyme mugs with verses from The House that Jack Built. Green and Brown transfer-print, pearlware, Staffordshire, c. 1840? Centre: alphabet mugs and a tiny doll, with part of a doll’s plate and...