The Project

What East Anglia Threw Away

What Castle Rising Threw Away

The project What East Anglia Threw Away investigates a region through its rubbish in the era before World War I. Run by the Centre of East Anglian Studies at the University of East Anglia, it brings together researchers, student diggers, and local history societies in the shared delights of exploring old rubbish dumps. After digging up refuse near the former schoolhouse in Bergh Apton, we identified the schoolmistress who threw it away, by examining the School Log. At Castle Rising, we excavated a dump abandoned at the outbreak of World War I, when the dustman went off to fight. Enhancing local knowledge, providing training for students, and forging links between regional researchers and the University are part of The Centre’s mission. We also hope to discover how products were transported around the region, what was consumed, and how systems of waste disposal have evolved to the present day.
Dr Tom Licence

Dr Tom Licence

Director, Centre of East Anglian Studies

Dr Tom Licence is Director of the Centre of East Anglian Studies at the University of East Anglia. All proceeds from his book will go to The Centre, helping to fund this community project.