Russian Bear’s Grease Pot Lid

Russian Bear’s Grease Pot Lid

Transfer-printed pot lid, showing a single angry bear: ‘Genuine Russian Bear’s Grease – For Beautifying and Nourishing the Hair’ Exact provenance uncertain – north of England, 1880s site
Russian Bear’s Grease Pot Lid

Russian Bear’s Grease Pot Lid

Pot lid with printed design of bears against a mountainous backdrop: ‘Genuine Russian Bears’ Grease – for Increasing the Growth of Hair’. From an 1880s tip in Yorkshire.
Bear’s Grease Pot Lid

Bear’s Grease Pot Lid

Large (4 shillings) size pot lid for James Atkinson’s Bear’s Grease – a pomade for the hair. Dug from a dump of c. 1885 in Rugby, Warwickshire. Genuine bear’s grease was imported from Russia.