Decorative clay pipe bowls

Decorative clay pipe bowls

Clay pipe bowls, moulded as a tulip (left) and an acorn (right). Note the smaller acorn which forms the part of the bowl called the ‘spur’ or ‘stud’. This was partly decorative and partly for knocking loose the congealed burnt tobacco. Kaolin...
Herring basket clay pipe

Herring basket clay pipe

Clay pipe moulded in the shape of a wicker fishing basket with a herring swimming in through a hole at the base, where the bowl joins the stem.
Clay tobacco pipes

Clay tobacco pipes

Two clay tobacco pipe, one embossed with buffalo horns and RAOB (Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes), the other with leaf decoration up the seam and a heart, wreathed, beneath the sun, on one side, and a hand, wreathed, beneath the sun, on the other. The first pipe...
Clay tobacco pipes

Clay tobacco pipes

Two clay tobacco pipes, possibly made by a Yarmouth pipemaker. One is decorated with fish scales going into a wicker basket. The other depicts fish or ripples swimming into a wicker basket (less crisply moulded). Designs of this sort may relate to the Yarmouth herring...
Hunting jug

Hunting jug

Mid-Victorian salt-glazed spring-moulded hunting jug, with the mouldings depicting Toby Belcher (holding a frothing jug and glass, with pipe on the table), a second man sitting on a barrel, head in hand (with a frothing jug and pipe on table), an oak tree, a windmill,...
Buffalo clay pipe (side)

Buffalo clay pipe (side)

Buffalo clay pipe, with the acronym RAOB (Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes) and a buffalo’s face, with evidence, in the form of burn-marks, that the pipe has been smoked.
Buffalo clay pipe

Buffalo clay pipe

Clay pipe with the acronym RAOB (Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes) and a buffalo face embossed.
Buffalo Bill Clay Pipe

Buffalo Bill Clay Pipe

Clay pipe made in 1887 to commemorate Buffalo Bill’s performance to the queen on the occasion of her Golden Jubilee. Stem incised [… Q]ueens Buffalo Bill.
Black African Man Clay Pipe

Black African Man Clay Pipe

Clay pipe bowl moulded as the head of a Black African man. Novelty bowls were sometimes sold or given away at pubs whose names they represented. This one may have been smoked at a pub called ‘The Black’s Head’ or similar. (There is still one with...