by Tom Licence | Jun 23, 2019
White ceramic, transfer-printed pot, made by Maling of Newcastle, for Keiller and Sons’ Dundee Marmalade – a very popular brand at the time.
by Tom Licence | Aug 18, 2018
Clear glass jam jar embossed with a shield-shaped border which contains the remnants of a label. Glass jam jars are uncommon at so early a date. The vast majority of jam and marmalade jars in the late 1890s were ceramic, and ceramic jars continued to be common for...
by Tom Licence | Aug 18, 2018
Clear glass jar, with external screw thread, ground on top. Embossed on base ‘Propert’s, London’. Such jars contained boot cream or other creams and polishes. It is an early example of a jar with an external screw thread.
by Tom Licence | Aug 18, 2018
White ceramic pot for potted meat, left. Ribbed ceramic jar for jam or marmalade, right.
by Tom Licence | Oct 16, 2016
Virol jar, with lettering in black print. This was a nourishing food. The text says ‘Virol, a preparation of Bone-Marrow, an ideal fat food for children and invalids’.
by Tom Licence | Apr 24, 2016
Batty’s Nabob Pickle (showing a nabob, seated, consuming pickle from a bottle): ‘only genuine when secured with Bett’s capsule’ (referring to a patent closure device). Late VIctorian. Provenance uncertain (Yorkshire).
by Tom Licence | Mar 6, 2016
Plain brown cream pot, brown glaze on the outside, yellowish-cream glaze on the inside, no stamp.
by Tom Licence | Mar 3, 2016
Jars for Keiller’s Dundee Marmalade and John Moir’s Red Currant Jam. Found amid unscavenged domestic waste, 1890s.
by Tom Licence | Apr 6, 2015
Clear glass jar, embossed ‘Yallop & Co Ltd, Yarmouth’, for bloater paste. Discarded after the death of Mary Everett in 1908. The use of glass jars for meat and fish pastes gradually became the norm from the 1910s onward.
by Tom Licence | Jan 11, 2015
Ceramic jar, transfer-printed in black ‘Genuine Cumberland Rum Butter, Made by Millers, Kendal’. Made in Cumbria; consumed in Essex.
by Tom Licence | Jan 3, 2015
Chinese blue and white hand-painted ginger jar, with lid. Imported.
by Tom Licence | Dec 28, 2014
Large jar for James Keiller & Son’s Dundee Marmalade, black transfer on white.
by Tom Licence | Dec 27, 2014
Left: hand-made clear glass (Manganese) jar with external screw-thread and ground top, 1890s. Right (for comparison): machine-made aqua jar with external screw-thread, 1910s.
by Tom Licence | Dec 24, 2014
Moulded glass jar for meat or fish paste, bearing the registration number 612272 (for late 1912). Two were found in this deposit. Clear glass made with manganese oxide.
by Tom Licence | Dec 24, 2014
Chinese ginger jar, hand-painted, imported. Lid missing.